Tuesday, July 2, 2013

If at first you don't suceed.....

     Apparently, I am a glutton for punishment or a dare devil. It's whatever side you  look at it! We are headed back to the lake with the entire fam damily!   It's America's Independence Day so why should I miss out on all the festivities. Nothing says a good time like the Oldest being miserable with forced family fun, the others yelling when are we going to get there , and me with the butterflies in my belly! I don't want to be sick.  I don't want to get sun burned.  I don't want to miss out on the fun! I'm just a touch nervous. Not to mention, I have to squeeze my large ass into a swim suit! Woohoo!

    I'm heading out tomorrow to buy the biggest hat I can find and I've packed every sunscreen with in a 5 mile radius! I'm going to rock this shit! After the week I have had, I damn well deserve it!  First, the major irritation of my Mistakiest Mistake* and his clan throwing a hillbilly hell of a shin dig and involving my 2 oldest spawn, making them miserable, in turn, making me miserable. Second, we decide on a whim to redecorate the entire main living space of our house.  Nothing says "too close for comfort" like 6 people and 2 massive beasts with no living space furniture! We all hate each other, pretty much. Well, hate is a strong word but none of us want to have any delay in the process of getting back to normal! And lastly, third, I just want to enjoy the Summer. By this time last year I had my white-girl Beyoncé going. I was all shades of tan with fake ass blonde hair and big butt. In my mind, I looked like Beyoncé but most important we were having fun and I felt good! I want to have fun and feel good!

     I'm keeping this one short and sweet because I have to get back to packing! I'm also bringing my running stuff.  I think maybe I have lost my damn mind! I think I'm going to boat, sun, play, and run! Who knows, maybe it will work out! Or it won't and I'll have hilarious stories of my misadventures.  Either way, I'm in 100% and ready to get my toes in the water and ass in the sand! Hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday or weekend, which ever you choose to celebrate! I'll be celebrating everything even if it is just that  I made it through the mini get away without selling the boys to an Amish farm!

Take Care of You....

* Mistakiest Mistake will be explained in a later blog for those who do not know.

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